Tag Archives: RPGs

The Significance of Final Fantasy VII

Depending on who you ask, Final Fantasy VII was either the most amazing video game of all time and oh my god if they could just please make a remake only they should let you revive Aeris this time OR it was mediocre at best and totally inferior to an untold number of RPGs on […]

Talkin’ ‘bout Dragons Part 2

Last time on Talkin’ ‘bout Dragons we discussed a lot of the issues that come with trying to use dragons in your RPG adventures.  Today I’m going to talk about ways to mitigate those issues and run really effective and fun encounters focused on dragons.  In the interest of being able to be specific and […]

Talkin’ ‘bout Dragons Part 1

You know who I don’t think gets enough love?  Well, you do if you read the title. I’ve been playing games like Dungeons and Dragons for nearly half of my life.  Now while that statement comes with many implications, most of which are probably unfortunate, I say it to give you perspective when I point […]

Big Fights Make for Long Nights: The Boss Fight

Note: The cover image of this article was found at the wikimedia commons, which lists the artist. I could not find any more information on the artist to more effectively source him. Last time we did this I talked about marching armies and giant battles but now I’m going to talk about a different kind […]

Maddening Mechanics 1: D20 Leadership

Maddening Mechanics will hopefully be another semi-regular series that I put out (similar to Gaming Habits), where I talk about specific game mechanics in RPGs or card or board games that are bad by virtue of either being too powerful, too weak, or just not interacting well with the rest of the system. So today, […]

Big Fights Make for Long Nights 2: That Fateful Battle

So in my last entry I promised to tell everyone about a lengthy battle scene that a friend of mine ran recently. I was an observer, as I had recently dropped from the game due to a combination of an extremely busy schedule and already feeling like there were too many people at the table. […]